Classes taken by Dr.Brindhamani mam

         Online class by: Dr.Brindamani Mam

Dr.Brindhamani, Principal of Vidhya Sagar  women's College of Education, has taken about understanding the self and motivate us to improve our self esteem 

Enhancing Professional Capacities

Engagement with the Field is the curricular component that is meant to holistically link all the courses across the programme, while it also includes special courses for Enhancing Professional Capacities (EPC) of the student teachers.

She gave some inspirational quotes like "I am happy about what i am ". This quote says that we should be happy what we are and should take some positive aspects about ourselves.

1.Who am I ?

Answering the question 'Who am I?' can lead to a solid self-concept and self-understanding. Self-concept is an understanding of who you are as a person. But that's not all there is to the question of 'Who am I?' Understanding what your motives are when you act is called self-understanding. It is often linked to self-concept.

2. Understanding the meaning of life 


She explained that life is a beautiful and if you think you are missing someone in your life, you can attain your dream by holding the person in your arms.

We often heard the proverb that one way closes, another way opens.

Life is all about you, what you think you are followed by what you decide become, and most importantly how resourceful you are.

 3. Beauty

Real beauty is inner beauty.

 Real beauty comes from the kind of person you are, the choices you make and how you treat other people.

The lesson, I think, is that we should all put our best face forward. Beauty is certainly not as important as character.

Beauty can be inherited, but character is forged.

Beauty is not in your face. When we see something attractive first thing comes to our mind " how beautiful is it", but that is not the real beauty.

Beauty is not in your face. When we see something attractive first thing comes to our mind " how beautiful is it", but that is not the real beauty.

Beauty is not only important but other aspects or qualities, skills are also important for life. We should make self confidence about our self. If we see someone with their skills and characters they are the one who is really beautiful.
Appearance or outlook will not going to do anything. It may vanish some time. But the character and quality remains forever in our human life. 
So don't feel about ugly and beautiful. Instead think about your skills and behavior or attitudes of human being, the life automatically become.

4. Happiness, kindness, cleverness

It's the feeling of truly enjoying your life, and the desire to make the very best of it. Happiness is the "secret sauce" that can help us be and do our best. Here's what researchers found when they studied happy people: Happy people are more successful. Happy people are better at reaching goals.

Even worse than this, we see our own friends on social media posting photos of their ridiculously happy lives; but never sharing any raw feelings of what’s really going on in their lives.

It is an unspoken law that we all want to be happy but the reality is that most of us have not thought about what happiness means for *ourselves*.

I used to think if only I had the right kind of job, the right group of friends and the right partner, then I would be happy. I worked so hard chasing these goals. I saw happiness like reaching the peak of a mountain…

All I had to do was work really hard, achieve all my goals and then I’ll be happy.

And that’s exactly what I did. I worked really hard and got to the top of the mountain. But at the top, I didn’t find what I was looking for…


The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

Kindness is everywhere and free for everyone, just speared it.

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care are words that are associated with kindness. While kindness has a connotation of meaning someone is weak, that is not the case.


the quality of being clever; intelligence or shrewdness.

5. Thank ful for God

Ways to Be Thankful to God
  1. Be Thankful. Be thankful to God, to others, and within your heart. ...
  2. Be Joyful. Sing unto God (I just said that but I wanted to say it again) your praise and thanksgiving. ...
  3. Be Sharing. Talk about all the wonderful things God is doing in your life to others (saved and unsaved).

Finally she postulated the message like we should not loose our hope we have to try to attain at the one is perfect in this world and
 everyone has their potential and is hidden inside.we should put some effort to bring it out.The god created us with out any a days many people who is having disability have achieved lot their life.then why can't we ?.each and every human being has unique talent .

National Level Webnair :13.11.2001

She has conducted a webnair on the topic 'Radiate positivity'. She stressed about the postive thinking and how it will helps in our Life and also spreading postive vibrations around us .

National Leavel Webnair on Born  A champion

Dr.Brindhamani mam organised a webnair on the topic born a champion.champions have some inborn qualities like determination ,will power and many more .she explained self reliance and how can improve our confident and strength.

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