Monday 20 July 2020



1. 08-July-2019                   Eye Donation camp


     "Make your  eyes👀live after death "
The National Eye donation Fortnight is observed every year from 25 th August to 8th september.
The Awareness compaign was organised on 18 th july in our college and was coducted by Lion Dr.J.Ganesh of Lions club.

 The National Eye Donation Fortnight is observed every year from 25th August to 8th September. It

is a campaign which aims to create mass public awareness about the importance of eye donation and to motivate people to pledge their eyes for donation after death.

 Blindness is one of the major public health problems in the developing countries. According to World Health Organization, corneal diseases (Damage to the tissue covering the front of eye called cornea) are among the major causes of vision loss and blindness, after cataract and glaucoma.

  Day : Inauguration

Date :08-07-2019

Program :  Eye Donation Awarenes camp

Chief guets:Lion J.Ganesh

 Welcome Address:

After the prayer welcome address was given by our peer student. Lion Dr.J.Ganesh sir and all other member of international association of Lions club. Lion Dr.J.Ganesh got nearly 235 awards for his work. He almost conducted 40,000 awareness camp and collected nearly 4089 eyes corner for blind people. The Lion Dr.J.Ganesh sir started the keynote address with a short video clip.The session was very interesting and attentive.Atlast our student reprentative proposed vote of thanks to the chief guests Lion Dr.J.Ganesh the president and all the members of the lions club.he also extended  a big thank to the college management for organising this ‘ Eye Donation Awareness camp’

 All we need to know about eye donation

  • Eye donation is
  • donating one's eyes after his/her death.
  • Only corneal blind people are benefited from donated eyes.
  • Corneal blindness is the loss of sight due to damage in the tissue covering the front of eye called cornea.
  • Anyone can donate their eyes irrespective of age,sex and blood group.
  • The cornea should be removed within an hour of death.
  • Eyes of donated person can save the vision of two corneal blind people.
  • Eye removal takes only 10-15 minutes and leaves no scar or disfigurement of the face.
  • Donated eyes are never bought or sold. Eye donation is never refused.
  • Contact the eye bank to become a registered eye donor.

2. 09-July-2019      Yoga and Meditation Program


Day2                    :        Yoga And Meditation Program

Date                    :          09-07-2019

Program             :    14 th Annual community based

                              engagement and skill development

Chief Guests     :   shri J.Ramesh Rishi Magayogi Mahayogam                                                                                                                                                                  
The 2nd day of 14 th annual community based engagement and skill development program  we had ‘yoga and meditation program ‘ The session was started with our college prayer followed by tamil thai valthu.

Welcome address:

After the prayer, welcome address has been delivered by our peer student .She heartly welcome the chief guests shri J.Ramesh Rishi ,The Maha Yogam and his trainees.She also welcome our correspondent vikas surana ji sir, the empowerment principal Dr.K.Mariamy sir, The principal Dr.Brindhamani Madam ,staff and all student teachers.

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self to the self”

Key Note Address

The chief guest addressed was very fascinating and interesting. Where he introduced about yoga, meditation skill and self development techniques. He splendidly explained the difference between the yoga and meditation He talked about the five elements of nature and relationship with human body.

Guruji taught us four asana as follows

Ø  Vajrasana

Ø  Vajmudrasana

Ø  Paschimottanasana

Ø  Padmasana

Ø  Viprita karni

Ø  Matysana

Ø  Vajkriyasana

Ø  Avaana

Ø  Taichi

Ø  Martial art

 All asanas are done by our student teachers.

  • 3.Teachers Day Celebration:

    Teachers' Day 2019: History, Significance and Facts 

    “Teaching is the profession that teaches all profession”

     Teachers' Day in India is celebrated on 5 September every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan - First Vice President of India and the Second President of India and an educationist at heart. While globally, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th October; in India, we celebrate it on 5th September from 1962 on wards.In India in the honor of our teachers and often present them with gifts.special programmes are organised in colleges on the occasion.Other countries celebrates teachers day on different dates ,while international Teachers day on different dates while international Teacher or world teachers day  is celebrated on 5th October every year.The story goes that when his students requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday separately ,it would be a previlage if 5th September is observed as Teachers Day.since 1962,India has been celebrating this date a Teacher's Day.


           Day2                    :        Teachers                                                         day

    Date                    :          30-08-2019

    Program             :    Happy Teachers Day

    Our college organized the great Event teachers day   that happened on 30th August 2019.The college correspondent Shri Vikas Surana, The Treasurer shri.Suresh Kankaria, the Director Shri B.G.Acharya, the principal Dr. Brindhamani mam adorned the occasion. The director B.G, Acharya, Welcomed the gathering, Besides, the treasurer Shri .Suresh Kankariaji addressed the audience with his precious word on teaching and the college correspondent Shri Vikas Surana shared his life experience. The faculty Members was honoured with shields by the management. The Program came to an end after a fun filled session where all the teachers involved themselves in various games organized.Our Teachers are eagerly participated in many activity and games and made us happy and all are enjoying the day and made fun for each other. Many activities like singing, dancing and music chair, lucky draw mimicry are the events and many competitions happened for teachers. All teachers and staffs played together and established the relationship between the teachers and student 

4.Scout and Guides

    Scouting and Guiding is basically the youth movement. The program me have therefore been designed with amendments for all round development of the personality  of the youth up to the age of twenty five. This was also the dream and foresight  of lord Baden Powell, the founding father of the movement

.         Day2                    :        scout and guides

Date                     :          03-08-2019

Program             :      scout and talkRadical Honesty | Hunger games drawings, Hunger games tattoo ...

Chief guests      :        M.Premalatha

Scout Talk The scout talk was the program conducted on 3.08.2019.The Chief Guest of the program is M.Premalatha.In that program she explained about the scout and its pledge. He explained about the importance of scout and values and she gave a brief introduction about history of scout and guides. She taught us the type of knots and the things needed  to make the tent.

5, life skill  development program                27-09-2019

Program    :  Life Skill Development Program

Date:            : 27-09-2019

No Of Days  : 1 day

Chief  Guests: Dr.Kalaivani suresh

VSWEC hosted life skill  development program  on 27-09-2019.The Key note speaker  was Dr.Kalaivani Suresh,Head Teachers Education, Omega International school,Chennai.The topic of discussion was commitment. Commitment she explained involves and dedicating yourself to something. 

she also stressed  that as future Teachers ,B.Ed students  should dedicate themselves to the teaching profession and advised them to be very conscious while handling the class. The program came to an end with the vote of thanks.

Key aspects:  ü Passion for Teaching Learning

  ü Respect for students

  ü Love towards profession

  ü Willingness for change/Reflection

  ü Organizational skills

  ü Good communication


6.Visit to Orphanage

Program :Visit to Orphanage

Date         01-October -2019

No of days :1

Our college arranged for a visit  to one near by orphanage  home.All of us visited  the magimai illam in chengalpat donated  clothes and some food item to all people.Then we conducted some light programs like folk dance ,singing etc.We spent about half a day with children with there.we could understand  the joy of sharing.

7.World students Day celebration     15-October -2019


                         Program        :    World students Day celebration:Date                :         15   -October -2019

No of Days      :1

Chief guests   : Dr.Shri Mayilsamy Annadurai

APJ Abdul kalam birthday is celebrated as world students day.We visited vidhya sagar global school in chengalpet where exhibition was conducted .Dr.Shri Mayilsamy Annadurai Popularly known as moon man of India was the chief guest.

students exhibited their science work on various topics .It showed the innovation and creativity of our future scientist.All exhibits were illustrations of the practical application of concept and theories learned by students

8.Nation Building:   18-October 2020

Date: 18-October-2020

No of days:1         

Our college vice president Shri Suresh karunya conducted the nation building Day.This program was helpful to understand the student

v How to control our mind

v How to focus our mind

v Importance of guru

v Meditation

Affection towards the student s,towards our fellow human beings

9.Enhancing Professional skills    20 October to 25 October

Date: 22-October -2019 to 25-October 2019

No of days:4

Chief guests :Dr.A.Prakash,

Program: Enhancing professional skills

Our college arranged a four days workshop which was conducted by Prof.Dr.A.Prakash,Director and soft skill Trainer shri sarawathy soft skill acdemy ,Chennai.

All four day lessons were live and everyone participated in soft skill training .

We have been given training for speech on stage,discussions,debate session and writing letters and brainteasers.

It is really a nice session for the students those who are having stage fear and motivate the student to speak out and students sharing their own experience in their life.This session will help the students to upgrade their professional and soft skills.He showed some motivational video for success.

Important aspects:

Documentary skills

Good behaviours

Self confidence

Effective communication

10.Presentation By College Staff:

The presentation on PPT was given by our college lecturers and they dealt with emerging ideas and modern technologies with the concerned topics and concepts, and it was really a wonderful presentation by all our staffs.the details of the power point presentation are given below.





PPT on Moral Value and character Building

Mrs. Saraswathy,VSWCE


PPT on stress management


Mrs. Malarkodi,VSWCE




PPT on time Management


Mrs. Radha,VSWCE




PPT on Positive Thinking






PPT on Motivation






PPT on self introspection


Mrs. Jaya,VSWCE


PPT on joyfulness

Mrs. Vijaya,VSWCE




PPT on incorporation of psychology and fine arts in education


Mr. Vijaya Kumar,VSWCE


ppt presentation
PPT presentation

    PPT presentation 

our  student teacher attended  all the PowerPoint presentations and got valuable information about the topics.

11.Inauguration and Merit scholarship

Date: 22-August-2019

No of days: 1

On 22 August 2019 ,vidhya sagar women's college of Education  witnessed  the 15 th B.Ed  batch Inauguration Program for the academic Year 2019-20.Prof.K.V.S.N.Murthy,Dean&Head ,School Of Education sri Chandra sekarendra vishwa  Maha Vidyalaya ,Enathur,Kancheepuram,wa the chief guest of the day.The program was started  with an invocation to the almighty followed  by the lighting of the ceremonial lamp.The welcome addres was delivered by the college treasurer shri suresh Kankariyaji.The college correspondent ,Shri Vikas suranaji along with our Director  ,Shri b.G,Acharyaji,honored our chief guest with a shawl and memento. The college Principal Dr.M.Brindhamani,presented  the keynote address of chief guessts.The function was marked by the distribution of scholarships to the meritorious students. Shri s.Marisamy empowerment principal proposed the vote of thanks and the program ended with the national anthem.

Our college inauguration function was conducted  and during the celebration the speech is delivered By our college chairperson were inspirational and directional. Also our college encourages students and sets  a stage for healthy competition by awarding us with scholarship for top 10 performing students.

12. Infini day and Nation Education Day

Date: 11-November -2019

No of Days:1

November 11 has been celebrated as the National Education Day since 2008.

The Date has been chosen to commemorate the birth anniversary of independent India ‘ first education minister.-Maulana abdul Kalam Azad.

Infini day was celebrated in our college and various programme were conducted on that day such as speech ,powerpoint  presentation ,singing and poster making competitions which were based on values.students lighted the lamps and conduct infini prayer.

Shri vikas surana ji ,correspondent ,planted the saplings and ensured that students planted each one sapling.This event focused on how tree contribute to their environment by providing oxygen,improving air quality, climate amelioration,conserving water,preserving soil and supporting life.

13.student adaptation Program

Date: 5-November -2019

No of Days: 1

SAP- Students adaptation Program is conducted in our college periodically. During  third interactive session between faculty members  and students on  a one on one basis.the students are free to express their ideas,issues and feedback.Accordingly suggestions are given by the faculty members addressing the students feedback.

14.Student adaptation program iii


Our college conducted SAP –III subsequently as per the regular procedure.

15.Orientation Program

Date:22-November -2019

Our college arranged for an orientation program for us.It was conducted by Govidharajan Principal Vidhya sagar Global School.

16.Experience sharing


No of Days: 1

A powerful social learning strategy that creates an environment of learning is through sharing experiencesExperiences are personal – but there is a lot of learning that can be derived from them as well. ... It happens during the course of work and when you share it, it helps your fellow learners.

Principal of vidhya sagar realize that the technology advancement and busy schedules  has dehumanized us ,we don’t even spend time with our own family members.Also we learnt the power of Golden Time-Time for our own self. In a word ,we should be good humans to everyone around us.

17. Heartfulness Program

Date:22-December -2019

No of Day:1

Our college arranged heartfulness program .Heartfulness is a simple ,practical way to learn to relax,Meditate and discover the unlimited resource s of the Heart.With practice one experiences the calmness from with in ,leading to the creation of better concentration ,inner balance and true wellness of being.

18.Organic Farming

Date: 27-February-2020

No of Days: 1

Our college had arranged for a program on organic farming.It was indeed interesting  hardworking sunny  day.We learnt how to grow organic plant and also how to prepare organic fertilizers.Live demos of making fertilizers were shown.

19.TLM  Workshop:


TLM workshop was conducted in VSWEC for the B.Ed student on 20-09-2019.The workshop gave insight in making various teaching learning materials. The student teachers were explained and guided to make various teaching learning materials for display such as  flash cards ,matching boards ,rotating Disc ,composite pictures, picture cards,OHP sheets, working &Non working Models. The student teachers were explained about the importance of teaching  learning materials in the field of school education.

20.National Unity Day

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day)  was introduced by the government of India and inaugurated by Indian Prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi in 2014.

The intent is to pay tribute to late Shri Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel on his birth anniversary. He was instrumental in keeping India united therefore at VEWEC We the faculty and students have celebrated  Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) ON 31st Oct, 2018 by taking the pledge.
We too celebrated this event in our college .This program was started with an excellent speech by our respected professor Mrs.Vijaya ,who spoke about the importance of unity in life. 

The main theme of National Unity Day 2019 is to bring the nation together, united in times of strife and rising extremism.

21.Annual and Sports Day:   18.02.2020

The annual and sport fest was held int he college premises in a benefiting manner on 12-09-2019.The Event is diligently organised ad there was a soul to it.a soul that was vibrant ,contagious ans exuberant.At he entrance of the building of the college ,there was a huge poster denoting the "Annual and sports fest".It was planned for about a week to make the day specialized presided over by the principal of the college ,the function was attended by the 
registrar Dr.V.Balakrishnan,TNTEU,chennai as special guests and Mr.Natarajan General secretary.and students of the college also attended the function

The function started at morning  10.00 clock.The function was made colorful by inaugurating  the sport day and annual day followed by the speech about the detailed account of activities ,achievements and the work done by us.The chief guests also delivered the valuable speech.Then the honoring ceremony began with presenting the memento es to the chief guests. The prize distribution was started.the chief guests gave away the prizes.In the end our principal congratulated the prize winners and wished them all success in Life.We all felt that the function was a grand success.We has enjoyed the day and returned home happily.

Student Activities 03.02.2020 to 05.02.2020
The students have done all the activities to enhance their skills in various fields like jewelry making,DIY Video Folk Dance,Debate ,classical Dance and craft making


                1. 08-July-2019                   Eye Donation camp                     " Make your    eyes👀live after death " T...